LAST UPDATE: April 2024

TalentHub Joensuu brings together inter­na­tional tal­ents and com­pan­ies in the Joensuu region.

What is TalentHub Joensuu?

As a part of the employ­ment ser­vices of Joensuu city, our aim is to pro­mote the integ­ra­tion of inter­na­tional tal­ent into the Joensuu area, offer and develop per­son­al­ized employ­ment ser­vices for inter­na­tional pro­fes­sion­als and work together with edu­ca­tional insti­tu­tions and local com­pan­ies to attract and keep inter­na­tional tal­ents in the Joensuu region. As an inter­na­tional tal­ent, you can cre­ate your Talent Profile to intro­duce your­self to poten­tial employ­ers. As a com­pany, you can look for the inter­na­tional skills your com­pany needs with the Talent Profile search tool or by post­ing your own job ad.

For com­pan­ies

You’ve come to the right place to find the inter­na­tional skills and know­ledge to help your com­pany branch into inter­na­tional mar­kets or bet­ter serve your inter­na­tional cus­tomer base.

Whether you’re look­ing for an employee or a trainee, par­tic­u­lar lan­guage skills or know­ledge of a cer­tain mar­ket: Take a look at the Talent Profiles and find the best poten­tial pro­fes­sion­als for your com­pany. We also help facil­it­ate short-term intern­ships to find the best pos­sible match. You are able to post job ads with inform­a­tion about the skills i.e. lan­guage, coun­try or edu­ca­tional back­ground you are look­ing for.

Have you heard about Kuntalisä? – a reward for employ­ing a per­son through Joensuu employ­ment ser­vices. READ MORE.

For inter­na­tional tal­ents

Do you have exper­i­ence work­ing abroad? Do you have lan­guage skills or know­ledge of inter­na­tional mar­kets that could interest local employ­ers? Or are you a stu­dent look­ing to develop your skills through an intern­ship or thesis pro­ject?

We aim to con­nect International Talents with local com­pan­ies look­ing for skilled work­ers. By cre­at­ing your own Talent Profile, employ­ers are able to search for spe­cific skills they need, i.e. lan­guage, home coun­try and edu­ca­tion. Register and mar­ket your­self to poten­tial employ­ers! Through TalentHub Joensuu you can also look for intern­ships or thesis pro­jects and find inform­a­tion about start­ing your own busi­ness in Finland.



Contact us:

[email protected]

050 470 6553 / Luotsi Joensuu