University of Eastern Finland

Broaden your expert­ise in cul­tural encoun­ters

The University of Eastern Finland (UEF) is one of the most mul­tidiscip­lin­ary uni­ver­sit­ies in Finland. The co-oper­a­tion between the UEF and regional work­ing life is import­ant. For example, the School of Humanities innov­ates act­ively new forms of work­ing life col­lab­or­a­tion and is a part­ner of the TalentHub plat­form.    

The School of Humanities edu­cates skilled experts in lan­guages, inter­cul­tural inter­ac­tion, and com­mu­nic­a­tion (e.g., trans­lat­ors, teach­ers, train­ers, inter­ac­tion design­ers). A degree in Humanities is highly com­pet­it­ive in work­ing life and can be tailored to suit your indi­vidual goals. You can also upgrade your expert­ise with us.

Degree pro­grammes avail­able in English:

Other degree pro­grammes (mostly in Finnish or in the lan­guage stud­ied):

Upgrade your expert­ise with non-degree stud­ies

The UEF offers vari­ous non-degree stud­ies. You can develop your com­pet­ence with our con­tinu­ous learn­ing pos­sib­il­it­ies such as pub­lic ser­vice inter­pret­ing, media edu­ca­tion and Finnish as second lan­guage. Learn more about con­tinu­ous learn­ing in the UEF.