
Juttuklubi Joensuu: a warm bon­fire for all to gather around

Juttuklubi Joensuu is aimed at immig­rants and its meet­ings con­tinue after the sum­mer break on 21 September, 2022, 17–19, in Luotsi’s facil­it­ies. The topic of the first meet­ing is vol­un­tary work.

The club meets three times and has dis­cus­sions about Finnish work­ing and find­ing a job in Finland. For example, you get to hear about what makes a good job applic­a­tion and a CV. You also get to share your exper­i­ences with other par­ti­cipants and form net­works at the same time.

We aim to have the dis­cus­sions in Finnish, but there is no lan­guage bar­rier – we change to English if neces­sary.

You do not need to sign up for the event, and cof­fee will be served there. Choose the themes that interest you, or come along for all the meet­ings:

  • 21.9.2022 at 17:00: Volunteering – is it a mean to find a job?
  • 26.10.2022 at 17:00: Successful job applic­a­tion – what needs to be done?
  • 23.11.2022 at 17:00: Previous qual­i­fic­a­tions — how to recog­nize your com­pet­en­cies in Finland?

All the meet­ings are held in Luotsi’s facil­it­ies loc­ated at @ Kauppakatu 29.

We bid you a warm wel­come!

Inspired by Jyväskylä’s Juttuklubi, the event is organ­ized by Karelia AMK, Luotsi Joensuu, SIMHEKarelia, and International House Joensuu.