
Succeed in a job inter­view

Practice your job inter­view skills at Luotsi. How do you make a good first impres­sion? How should you pre­pare for a job inter­view? What should you avoid say­ing? Are your job inter­view skills rusty? Have you never been in a job inter­view? Would you like to gain con­fid­ence and suc­ceed in inter­views bet­ter than ever […]


Pathways to busi­ness

An intro­duc­tion to three begin­ner-friendly busi­ness mod­els in Finland There are many reas­ons why one might want to become an entre­pren­eur. Sometimes it is hard to find stable work in a field. Sometimes you just want the free­dom of being your own boss. Sometimes the busi­ness concept is so novel that entre­pren­eur­ship is the only way […]


The mul­ti­cul­tural work­place: Kataja Basket

Multiculturalism has touched more than just the tra­di­tional busi­ness life in Joensuu. Basketball club Kataja Basket has had a hand in nor­m­al­ising mul­ti­cul­tur­al­ism for dec­ades. Kataja’s exec­ut­ive man­ager Johannes Lasaroff sat down with Talent Hub Joensuu to talk about Kataja Basket’s chal­lenges and tri­umphs, and how inter­na­tional tal­ent has con­trib­uted to the club’s suc­cess. Executive […]


Pavel Kipriianov crossed the bor­der for stud­ies and is plan­ning to stay in Joensuu after gradu­ation

Not all inter­na­tional tal­ents cross oceans and con­tin­ents for work or stud­ies. Pavel Kipriianov is a stu­dent from Petrozavodsk who found his new home in Joensuu but a stone’s throw away from Russian Karelia – a place at once novel and excit­ing as well as delight­fully famil­iar. Pavel is second-year bio­logy stu­dent in UEF’s inter­na­tional […]


Traveller by heart – Belgian Sam Pintens leads a fam­ily-ori­ented life in Joensuu

People who migrate to new coun­tries do so for dif­fer­ent reas­ons. For some, such as Belgian Sam Pintens, the move to Finland sprung from unex­pec­ted neces­sity, but the trans­ition was easier and more pleas­ant than expec­ted. Sam Pintens is a Belgian migrant. The best moniker to describe the man would likely be “cit­izen of the […]


Hiring a non-nat­ive speaker into the organ­iz­a­tion

In our blog series The Multicultural Workplace we have inter­viewed com­pan­ies that have embraced a more inter­na­tional work cul­ture here in the Joensuu region. Adapting the com­pany cul­ture to bet­ter facil­it­ate non-Finnish speak­ers and mak­ing English the second or even the primary busi­ness lan­guage allows busi­nesses to tap into the poten­tial of inter­na­tional pro­fes­sion­als, grow […]


The Multicultural Workplace: Botania

Botania star­ted as the botan­ical garden of the University of Eastern Finland in 1985. Later, when the uni­ver­sity chose to close it down, it was adop­ted by Botanian ystävät Ry, before its cur­rent sole owner Kari Kola pur­chased it in 2018. Kola rebranded Botania as an event garden. On top of the serene in- and […]


The Multicultural Workplace: JP Suojapeite

Language is the key — International com­mu­nic­a­tion at JP Suojapeite Roughly three years ago entre­pren­eur Juha Piiroinen, who runs tarp man­u­fac­tur­ing com­pany JP Suojapeite, took on his first inter­na­tional employee Sam Pintens. After years of pro­duct­ive co-work­ing between the Belgian migrant and his oth­er­wise nat­ive work­force, Piiroinen shares his exper­i­ences of run­ning a mul­ti­cul­tural work­place. […]


Talent Stories: Daddi Diesel

When Dorian moved to Joensuu two years ago, he had to redis­cover him­self and find a new career path. Watch this Talent Story and learn how Dorian became Daddi Diesel, a YouTube pod­caster, who wants to bring inter­na­tional atten­tion to Finland. Dorian will be one of the guest speak­ers at Luotsi’s Entrepreneur Lounge today, Friday […]