
Meet your coach – Antti from Luotsi


My name is Antti and I work as an indi­vidual coach at Luotsi Joensuu. I’m also one of the people respons­ible for the devel­op­ment of the TalentHub ser­vice we launched in the spring of 2021. Mainly I will be work­ing with inter­na­tional tal­ents at TalentHub, as we offer a free coach­ing ser­vice for all the par­ti­cipants who have cre­ated and pub­lished their own TalentHub pro­file on our online plat­form.

I’m 36 years old, mas­ter of edu­ca­tion, ori­gin­ally from Joensuu. I’ve been work­ing for city of Joensuu since the begin­ning of Luotsi in 2019. In the field of employ­ment ser­vices I’ve worked for about five years. Working with inter­na­tional tal­ents has always been part of my respons­ib­il­it­ies and it is an area I really do appre­ci­ate and enjoy of. Especially here in North Karelia area where pos­sib­il­it­ies might some­times be a bit more lim­ited.

I will con­tact all of our new tal­ent pro­files and I’d be happy to get to know you all. Of course meet­ings are com­pletely vol­un­tary so if you are only inter­ested of cre­at­ing a pro­file and show­ing your skills to the com­pan­ies that way, it’s abso­lutely ok to do that as well.

Questions, ideas, feed­back – if you have them, do con­tact me dir­ectly via email or for example WhatsApp at:

[email protected] / 050 432 9472

Talk to you soon!
