
Alsiva Oy: It´s the atti­tude that counts

Awarded with the Luotsi award on Joensuu Day 2022: Alsiva Oy

”We have many pos­i­tions that require a lot of skill and edu­ca­tion, but we also have pos­i­tions on the pro­duc­tion side where the decid­ing factor is a pro­duct­ive atti­tude and pre­ci­sion. We have been very sat­is­fied with the new Ukrainian work­ers who have star­ted this year. Of course there is a longer-term need for train­ing, but everything has really worked out sur­pris­ingly eas­ily,” says HR expert Mari Räty.

Many work­ers have got­ten star­ted with the help of job agent Ekaterina Väänänen, who is able to inter­pret and help the applic­ants pre­pare their CVs, so that Alsiva in turn will know what kind of work could be suit­able for them.

”Ekaterina is a treas­ure. We can always call her, and often work out things out quickly even over speak­erphone,” Räty adds.

Andrii Yarmolenko star­ted at Alsiva in the sum­mer through RTK-Henkilöstöpalvelu, but then moved over to Alsiva’s payroll as a pro­duc­tion worker.

”The wages here are bet­ter than in Ukraine, espe­cially when you add the per­form­ance bonuses on top of the basic salary. I have really enjoyed my time here. At first I was on a team with some Russians who have lived here for years. I received some good addi­tional ori­ent­a­tion from them in Russian, which almost all Ukraininans are also flu­ent in,” says Andrii.

Now he gets to use his own nat­ive lan­guage to advise the next employee, the freshly arrived Artem Chudak.

”It has a major effect on not only the lan­guage, but also the gen­eral mood of the entire work com­munity, when the exper­i­enced work­ers are there to help the new­comers. Working in teams gets res­ults and improves well-being,” says Alsiva’s super­visor Jukka Simanainen.

Carpooling is another con­nect­ing factor – three-shift work isn’t always access­ible via pub­lic trans­port. The ride to work was eas­ily arranged for Andrii as well, almost from next door.

”Of course, we can also move the work shifts around a little to make sure that car­pool­ing is viable,” says Simanainen.

Alsiva Oy is a major con­tract man­u­fac­turer of alu­minum and zinc die-cast­ing products in Finland. The products are used in the elec­trical, elec­tron­ics, med­ical and mech­an­ical indus­tries.
Alsiva is part of the Ouneva Group, a domestic group of fam­ily-owned busi­nesses that has oper­ated for 50 years and employs over 700 pro­fes­sion­als. Ouneva Group oper­ates in Finland and Estonia. In addi­tion to Alsiva Oy, the group includes Ase Utra Oy, Eswire Oü, Electro-Hill Oü, Jotwire Oy, Ouneva Oy, Top Speed Oy and Valukumpu Oy.

The Joensuu Day Luotsi awards were awar­ded to employ­ers who have boldly employed inter­na­tional tal­ents. Awards were also given to:

Text: Riitta Nyberg
Photos: Ari Tauslahti
Translation: Teemu Reilin