TalentHub Joensuu
TalentHub Joensuu brings together international talents and companies in the Joensuu region.
How does TalentHub Joensuu work?
As a part of the employment services of Joensuu city, our aim is to promote the integration of international talent into the Joensuu area, offer and develop personalized employment services for international professionals and work together with educational institutions and local companies to attract and keep international talents in the Joensuu region.
For companies
You’ve come to the right place to find the international skills and knowledge to help your company branch into international markets or better serve your international customer base.
Whether you’re looking for an employee or a trainee, particular language skills or knowledge of a certain market: Take a look at the Talent Profiles and find the best potential professionals for your company. We aim to find the best talent for local companies. We also help facilitate short-term internships to find the best possible match. You are able to create a Company Card with information about the skills i.e. language, country or educational background you are looking for.
For international talents
Do you have experience working abroad? Or are you a student looking to develop your skills through an internship or thesis project? We aim to connect International Talents with local companies looking for skilled workers. By creating your own Talent Profile, employers are able to search for specific skills they need, i.e. language, home country and education. Register and market yourself to potential employers! Through TalentHub Joensuu you can also look for internships or thesis projects and find information about starting your own business in Finland.
“Kansainväliset osaajat ovat mahdollistaneet yrityksellämme luontevan väylän uusiin kohdemaihin. Heidän osaamisensa saaminen PG:n käyttöön on ollut palkitsevaa.”
– Jani Akkila
CEO, Process Genius Oy